蓝艳,刘可智,梁雪梅.四川省泸州市医务人员对《中华人民共和国精神卫生法》知识的知晓情况[J].四川精神卫生杂志,2014,27(2):106-108.LAN Yan,LIU Ke-zhi,LIANG Xue-mei,The survey of the awareness rate of“Mental Health Law of the People's Republic of China”in the medical staff[J].SICHUAN MENTAL HEALTH,2014,27(2):106-108
The survey of the awareness rate of“Mental Health Law of the People's Republic of China”in the medical staff
中文关键词:  精神卫生 知晓率 调查 医务人员
英文关键词:Mental Health Law  Medical staff  Awareness rate
蓝艳 泸州医学院附属医院 
刘可智 泸州医学院附属医院 
梁雪梅 泸州医学院附属医院 
      目的 了解医务人员对《中华人民共和国精神卫生法》的知晓情况,为卫生行政部门推进精神卫生法的实施提供理论依据。方法采用方便抽样方法,在泸州市分别选取一家综合医院和专科精神病院的656名医务人员进行精神卫生法相关知识问卷调查。结果及格率83.2%。专科精神病院、综合医院精神科和硕士以下学历的医务人员得分较高(P〈0.05)。结论泸州市医务人员对精神卫生法知识的知晓率总体较高;但综合医院医务人员特别是非精神科医务人员以及硕士及以上人员的精神卫生法知识知晓率还有待提高。
      Objective To investigate the awareness rate of the“Mental Health Law of the Peopl's Republic of China”in the medical staff and to explore the differences between the psychiatric medical staff and non-psychiatric medical staff,also to analyze the reasons.So to provide the theoretical basis for the implementation of the“Mental Health Law of the People’s Republic of China”.Methods The random sampling method was used to select 656 medical staff in a hospital and a psychiatric hospital.Results The correct answer rate of the awareness rate of the “Mental Health Law of the People’s Republic of China”was 27.4%-97.4%.The mean of the questionnaire score were 27.14± 4.42 points and the pass rate of the questionnaire was 83.2%.Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that gender (r=1.549,P〈0.001)and profession(r=-4.887,P〈0.001)were related with the questionnaire score.Conclusion The awareness rate of psychiatric medical staff was higher than that of the medical staff.So more training was needed for the medical staff in the hospital
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