Investigation on quality of life and needs of relatives of patients with mental disorders in hospice care
投稿时间:2022-12-13  修订日期:2022-12-13
中文关键词:  安宁疗护  精神障碍  生存质量  需求
英文关键词:Tranquil care  Mental disorders  Quality of life  demand
张  虓 德阳市精神卫生中心 德阳市精神卫生中心
张  倩* 德阳市精神卫生中心 德阳市精神卫生中心
罗才润 德阳市精神卫生中心 
张玲燕 德阳市精神卫生中心 
许瑞宇 德阳市精神卫生中心 
邬俊梅 德阳市精神卫生中心 
      调查安宁疗护精神障碍患者家属的生存质量与需求状况,旨在为患者创造一个能够更好满足其需求的医疗护理环境。方法 采用方便抽样方法,从德阳市两所精神专科医院连续抽取安宁疗护精神障碍患者的家属205名。采用世界卫生组织生存质量测定量表简表(WHOQOL-BREF)中文版和重危患者家属需求量表(CCFNI)评定其生存质量和需求情况。结果 患者家属WHOQOL-BREF的生理领域评分为(68.089.98)分,心理领域评分为(63.829.39)分,社会关系领域评分为(70.7312.61)分,环境领域评分为(64.2411.87)分,与国内一般人群比较,除生理领域外,其余领域评分差异均有统计学意义(t=3.066、9.845、16.109,P<0.01)。CCFNI中,病情保证的需求因子评分为(3.200.41)分,信息支持的需求因子评分为(2.860.50)分,接近患者的需求因子评分为(2.790.46)分,自身舒适的需求因子评分为(2.350.47)分,医护人员支持的需求因子评分为(2.600.44)分。在具体条目方面,选择“医护人员能如实回答我的问题”的家属最多,有194人(94.6%,95% CI:0.92~0.98),选择“希望偶尔能允许暂时离开医院片刻”的家属最少,有109人(53.2%,95% CI:0.46~0.60)。结论 安宁疗护精神障碍患者家属的生存质量可能并不低于一般人群,其需求主要集中在病情保证和信息支持两方面。
      To investigate the quality of life and needs of relatives of patients with mental disorders in hospice care, in order to create a better medical care environment for patients to meet their needs. Methods 205 family members of patients with severe mental disorders were selected from two special psychiatric hospitals in Deyang City with convenient sampling method. Their quality of life and needs were investigated with the Chinese version of the World Health Organization Short Form of Quality of Life (WHO OL-BREF) and the Family Needs of Critically Ill Patients (CCFNI). Results Among 205 family members, 98 (47.8%) were male, with an average age of (54.8±12.9) years, and 107 (52.2%) were female, with an average age of (50.2±11.0) years. WHOQOL-BREF scored (68.08±9.98) in the physiological field, (63.82±9.39) in the psychological field, (70.73±12.61) in the social relations field, and (64.24±11.87) in the environmental field. Compared with the domestic general population, there were significant differences in other fields except the physiological field (t=3.066、9.845、16.109,P<0.01). The average scores of the five dimensions of CCFNI were (3.20±0.41) demand factor for disease assurance, (2.86±0.50) demand factor for information support, (2.79±0.46) demand factor close to patients, (2.35±0.47) demand factor for self comfort, and (2.60±0.44) demand factor for medical staff support. In terms of specific items,The number of family members who chose "Medical staff can answer my questions truthfully" was the largest, 194 [94.6%, 95% CI (0.92, 0.98)], and the number of family members who chose Item 28 "I hope to allow temporary leave from the hospital occasionally" was the smallest, 109 [53.2%, 95% CI (0.46, 0.60)]. Conclusion The quality of life of the family members of patients with mental disorders in hospice care may not be poor, and their needs mainly focus on the two aspects of condition assurance and information support.
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